Local water agencies allocated more water

The Las Virgenes Municipal Water District building in Calabasas, CA. Photo by Samantha Bravo.

The latest rain storms have made a dent in filling reservoirs prompting the State Water Project to allocate more water to local agencies. Deliveries from northern California could increase to 30-percent, up from just 5-percent in recent months when reservoirs were near deadpool conditions. Officials emphasize the drought though is not over. 

Watering restrictions are still in place in Waterworks District 29 that supplies Malibu and the Las Virgenes Municipal Water District that serves the Malibu hills and surrounding communities. LACOWW29 Malibu customers are still limited to only two days per week for ten-minute periods for outdoor watering. LVMWD customers are restricted to watering only once a week for only 8 minutes per station.